Orders may take up to 3-7 business days to arrive (US customers) or 7-14 business days (international customers)
All orders are shipped though USPS.
Overnight shipping orders are expedited and processed within 1-3 business days
All orders placed over the weekend (Fri-Sun) will ship Monday after 3pm.
Please note that all estimated shipping times are after the order has been shipped. If for any reason you item is not deliverable and is return to the store the customer will be issued a refund for the purchase price of the items (not including shipping) shipping charges will not be refunded. Please carefully check your address when placing an order. We are not responsible for incorrect address inputs. We are not responsible for lost or stolen packages if your package has been lost or stolen please contact USPS. By completing a purchase with us you are agreeing to our full shipping and deliveries policy.